i know.. a verbal agreement is contract itself...
however, the cost of forcing them to do it is not only monetary, there's also other things involved...
but they have painted themselves into a corner.. i have done these things before and policy dictates that i cannot cede to the things they demand as it would be unethical... and my bosses know that i would rather throw it all away than betray my personal ethics...
besides, my department cannot do what they want... which was the gist of the whole series of emails...
if my bosses get to their bosses, i think they're in trouble... i never want to push things but this has to move... so i've set the whole thing rolling and asked my bosses to look into this... because the thing has stalled... my bosses are not happy with them..
i am not at liberty to say who they are (my personal code of ethics will not allow me to say it even if i can) but i am very very stunned that people like this are still employed... because from asking around (after i was lied to), this isn't the first time this group of asshats have done this
Originally posted by =-Noelle-=:

how old are they? i think they aren't young anymore right? still go back on their words so easily..then the most qi thing is you already done everything and they turn around and say another thing..

peharps next time you should get everything documented so you can refer back to what they say, and yu can sue them if they say something esle (em, i am studying business law now haha thus the sue issue

)..i am sure your bosses will sort everything out fairly for you..bu yao sheng qi le! smileeee..