An incident is told of the first American war, about an officer who set his men to fell some trees which were needed to make a bridge. There were not nearly enough men, and work was getting on very slowly. Up rode a commanding-looking man spoke to the officer in charge, who was urging on his men but doing nothing himself. ‘You haven’t enough men for the job, have you?’
‘No, sir, we need some help.’
‘Why don’t you lend a hand yourself?’ asked the man on horseback.
‘Me, sir? Why, I am a Captain,’ replied the officer looking rather affronted at the suggestion.
‘Ah, true,’ quietly replied the other, and getting off his horse, he labored with the men until the job was done.
Then he mounted again, and before he rode off he said to the officer, ‘Captain, the next time you have a job to put through and too few men to do it, you had better send for the Commander-in –Chief, and I will come again.’
With that, George Washington rode off.
Great men do not disdain small duties. Even in office, you can also help to boil water, mop the table, etc. Don't wait for the aunt to do everything for you.
Trying making a cup of drink for your colleague and see what happen.