Is joining an MLM now still profitable ?
Lets put it this way, if you start a business from scratch , it will take a long time to grow and you will see profits at the end of the day. But if you join a business when everyone has noticed that this business is profitable, you may not earn as much , nor will you have customer loyalty and you will have many competitors who you will vie with for your clients.
With Amway, ventureera and other mlms agents numering more than 100000 is it still possible to join as a bottom feeder? I do not mean offence, but will we see any money ? or any returns? what is the point of working and networking and marketing only to see 500-2000 dollars more each month .
Why are we not able to start at the top tier and work our way through the business? Is the numbers that managers keep posting, 20000- 30000 unachievable? The natural salesman will never be able to earn there amouts as people above them will always be taking their money.
Identifying a niche is difficult, I would like to hear peoples thoughts on this.
Feel free to pm me.
I am always available at
It depend of what strategies you use to sell or market your MLM products. There is this Industry "legend" called Mike Dillard who create an so-called "The #1 Attraction Marketing System Online" and he claimed he make 7-figures profits in less than 18 months. You can read more about his marketing system here :
sometimes it's not about profitability... sometimes it's just about whether you have the heart to cheat other people's money... the best MLM people willing to have no morals and are willing to sell their parents for money... whether you succeed or not depends on whether you have that kind of morals or not lor...
Singapore's market is just too small, your network is just only limited to your family, friends or neighbours, that why the success rate is low. In fact if we didn't even considered MLM, even business companies your local bank who have your mobile number will keep call you one of a few month to offer "special" promotion insurance plan etc, at least for MLM people like even your "true" friends we can still choose to ignore them and continue our life with playstation