Hi Everyone!
Just thought I would say hello!
I came here looking for tips about building a team for an MLM opportunity.
Any advice would be appreciated!
How's your blogshop doing btw?
Hello Belle,
Do u have in mind which company u are joining to do an MLM? I have a rather good one to recommend if u would like to hear me out.
Good Day Belle & Vivalicious11,
I hv a good oe to recommend too. Very simple and easy.
To suceed in MLM business, you need to attract these 2 group of people as target markets :
1) Current Network Marketers
2) People actively looking to get involved in network marketing or MLM business
Most of the time they don't care about your business or how great your product is or how great a track record your company has since you know how skeptic singaporean is
Many of your BEST prospects already have a job and usually about 97 out of 100 "Old Birds" who had MLM experience that you speak to are losing more money
than they're making !
So what is it that THESE prospects are REALLY looking for?
They want to understand how to MARKET their business so they can actually make some money, period.
After all... isn't that one of the reasons why you ended up coming to this forum ?
Usually people want to find a real LEADER who can actually show them exactly how to overcome their challenges and get results.
Those are the 2 reasons how your "future" MLM team 's people are going to join you...
They either see you as a leader who can help move them closer to their goals...
Or you have the marketing training, skills, or knowledge...that will help them make money.
When you know how to do BOTH of those things...people will literally be sucked to you like you're a marketing honey.
And if you want to create finanical freedom in long term then you must absolutely understand how to "earn money" from your customer whom you DON'T KNOW ...on demand ...without using too much of your personal involvement...by using automation!
That concept is called: "A System"
- McDonald's has one
- Starbucks has one
- OG has one
- Bill Gates created one
and so on... Apple, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Google, Nike, Disney...
Do you starting to see a pattern trend here?
Wealth & Freedom come from SYSTEMS!
Here's the thing though...systems are strangely quite standard ! As you look around in the marketplace.
Keep watch and see the difference between the people who WORK in a system VS the people who have a system WORKING FOR THEM!
People who work hard making money for someone else, well... they work "IN" the system. People who sit on the beach while other people slave away making them money ...they "OWN" the system.
If you want to know more about marketing concept, you can watch this bootcamp video for learning purpose : http://teammillionairemarketer.com/day-1-millionaire-bootcamp
Check out the No Excuse Summit video training : http://noexcusessummit.com/training/how-do-you-close-prospects-who-say-yes-but-not-right-now
You can also read about report in The Importance of List Building and the Golden Rule of Recruiting : http://www.myphoneroom.com/blog/prelaunch/part-1-the-importance-of-list-building-and-the-golden-rule-of-recruiting
Most of the time they just don't cherish your online business or exactly how good the product will be or exactly how good some sort of background your business features because you know how skeptic singaporean will be.
You have to have the right beliefs and confidence.
Belief in Products - guarantee of quality
Belief in Company - Training and knowledge
Confidence Talking about the products and building friendships regardless of their interest in the products or system you are promoting
Originally posted by Iseymour99:You have to have the right beliefs and confidence.
Belief in Products - guarantee of quality
Belief in Company - Training and knowledge
Confidence Talking about the products and building friendships regardless of their interest in the products or system you are promoting
Nate "The Recruiter" Leung : http://www.nateleung.com
Scott Zlateff's Online MLM Network Marketing : http://scottzlateff.com
Ray Higdon - Online MLM Leader and Homebased Business Entrepreneur : http://rayhigdon.com
Ryan Gunness - MLM Recruit On Demand : http://www.mlmrecruitondemand.com