Originally posted by Victtorio.kalter:Venture Era is also good
you work it out or slog it out in there for 6-12 months before you come back and tell us about the company you're in..being a new blood, there's lots of room for progress, and don't put risk your reputation for network marketing until you know about it inside out.
Disclaimer: I'm not against this company but rather, i'm against most of all network marketing companies and the way they 'educate' people who are sharing crappy ideas, knowledge being the smart aleck only..
S'pore is too small and our population also very small and kiasu and kiasi so very hard, only the very early birds/insiders can make a lot............becoz of above problems, unless this MLM can spread to other countries, it will die out after a while..............
Originally posted by As romanista2001:S'pore is too small and our population also very small and kiasu and kiasi so very hard, only the very early birds/insiders can make a lot............becoz of above problems, unless this MLM can spread to other countries, it will die out after a while..............
i beg to differ.
coz i personally know of a fren who is my poly friend and is in a mlm company constantly earning at least 3digits per month, if sales good, go up to 4 digits. that friend of mine is currently paying supporting herself with what she earns from that company.
and that company is super established from USA, so don't tell me only the early birds/insiders can make a lot. it's all about hardwork, stop pushing the blame and finger pointing.
she is just earning from local market.
then your friend probably has good contacts that are willing to take the risk or perhaps she was lucky to get downlines that have the contacts.
if she had friends like mine.................LOL............then COL.............(crying out loud)
but i believe the products she's selling are recurring sales ? this type of MLM is good..........those that market one-off purchases like diamonds, etc etc..............then you really need to get in ahead of others in a place like S'pore.
Originally posted by As romanista2001:then your friend probably has good contacts that are willing to take the risk or perhaps she was lucky to get downlines that have the contacts.
if she had friends like mine.................LOL............then COL.............(crying out loud)
but i believe the products she's selling are recurring sales ? this type of MLM is good..........those that market one-off purchases like diamonds, etc etc..............then you really need to get in ahead of others in a place like S'pore.
i will not say she is lucky, but rather she earn it with hardwork.
people who say it's luck will not be successful in any business they do.
read up more books and get to know people who are already successful and see how they turn even the worst unfortunate incident into a money making solution for maximal profits.
the other thing that I need to clarify is that all businesses requires sales, whatever business needs sales for profits.
most mlm companies use recruitment for profit is because they are all done wrongly with wrong strategies to being with starting with the wrong intention, wrong footing.
Read up Henry Ford's quotes if you still think luck is needed to succeed.
Well, first of all, I would said that venture era is by far the best MLM company, and what they are actually promoting seens more realistic and effective. Plus the_fallen is true, some people do face their hard times in the MLM, and nothing comes easy into our hands, so being in the MLM is something that seen to be alot to answer.
Want to know more products of Venture Era, contact me at victtorio.kalter@gmail.com
Thanks, keep the thread going.
Originally posted by the_fallen:i will not say she is lucky, but rather she earn it with hardwork.
people who say it's luck will not be successful in any business they do.
read up more books and get to know people who are already successful and see how they turn even the worst unfortunate incident into a money making solution for maximal profits.
the other thing that I need to clarify is that all businesses requires sales, whatever business needs sales for profits.
most mlm companies use recruitment for profit is because they are all done wrongly with wrong strategies to being with starting with the wrong intention, wrong footing.
Read up Henry Ford's quotes if you still think luck is needed to succeed.
when i mentioned ''luck'' what i meant is having the right conditions such as being at the right place at the right time and meeting the right people plus the right conditions................talent and hard work are very important but unless there's the right conditions, success will not come.
like for your friend, perhaps her hard work was rewarded with meeting the right people like good uplines to help her and good downlines that are motivated................those conditions are vital for MLM, the people above and below you................
you're right that most MLM companies are only for the short haul, the bosses just wanna grab the money quick and then they'll start a ''new game''..............
Originally posted by As romanista2001:
when i mentioned ''luck'' what i meant is having the right conditions such as being at the right place at the right time and meeting the right people plus the right conditions................talent and hard work are very important but unless there's the right conditions, success will not come.
like for your friend, perhaps her hard work was rewarded with meeting the right people like good uplines to help her and good downlines that are motivated................those conditions are vital for MLM, the people above and below you................
you're right that most MLM companies are only for the short haul, the bosses just wanna grab the money quick and then they'll start a ''new game''..............
I didn't say "Most companies are only for the short haul..." don't put words into my text.
I only said "most mlm companies use recruitment for profit is because they are all done wrongly with wrong strategies to being with starting with the wrong intention, wrong footing."
there is a huge difference in the two phrases. so don't put your views and claim it as what my views. it is two completely different and in no way similar.
ok lah ok lah.................LOL.............
those companies that fit your description, they using the right strategy becoz they're aware that there are so many MLM games around so they just go in for the quick money and then GAME OVER..................later they start another game again..........it's all part of their plan all along............
definitely wrong intention..................in fact their intentions are outright criminal............
Originally posted by As romanista2001:ok lah ok lah.................LOL.............
those companies that fit your description, they using the right strategy becoz they're aware that there are so many MLM games around so they just go in for the quick money and then GAME OVER..................later they start another game again..........it's all part of their plan all along............
definitely wrong intention..................in fact their intentions are outright criminal............
speaking of which..read the straits time today, and you will see a page on CAD and CASE didn't tell a mlm company what they did wrong and freeze the company..
that than is a clear example and violation of criminal intentions
MLM is fail. Go read the news on sunshine empire...
MLM is akin to pyramid scheme isnt it.
I have been reading some of the topics in this forum and it is interesting that some of the frenz here dont really understand what is the diff btwn MLM and Pyramid scheme.
If you insist MLM is Pyramid because there is always 1 leader only, then with many followers with them which form a big triangle pyramid layout, then you can say a country is a pyramid scheme too. Why? Because one country has only 1 president/ King/ PM, then the rest are their followers, which will become a Pyramid layout too.
Do note that Pyramid is something that the upline (The guy above you in the group) always earning more than the rest of the guys below him. For instance, Level 1 earn $10k, second level$6k,3rd level $3k, then the rest maybe only 1-2k, or nothing. Then you need to be aware of this because the money earned is not equal to the hardwork put in.
Secondly, Pyramid scheme usually do not have product. Or the product is something that is sold in very over-over-over priced price, and only sold once. Or simply you can earn money by just sell the idea to some of your frenz, WITHOUT any products.
And, there is no right & wrong for doing any MLM because it is just a different type of business. It's the same that we are not at any position to judge anyone who want to open a coffee shop because we will never know the outcome.
So, for those who wanted to do MLM and treat MLM as their ultimate business to realise their dreams, please choose wisely as there are many Pyramid scheme that is so confusing that you might mistakenly thought that it is a great business(MLM).
Originally posted by Eric SK:I have been reading some of the topics in this forum and it is interesting that some of the frenz here dont really understand what is the diff btwn MLM and Pyramid scheme.
If you insist MLM is Pyramid because there is always 1 leader only, then with many followers with them which form a big triangle pyramid layout, then you can say a country is a pyramid scheme too. Why? Because one country has only 1 president/ King/ PM, then the rest are their followers, which will become a Pyramid layout too.
Do note that Pyramid is something that the upline (The guy above you in the group) always earning more than the rest of the guys below him. For instance, Level 1 earn $10k, second level$6k,3rd level $3k, then the rest maybe only 1-2k, or nothing. Then you need to be aware of this because the money earned is not equal to the hardwork put in.
Secondly, Pyramid scheme usually do not have product. Or the product is something that is sold in very over-over-over priced price, and only sold once. Or simply you can earn money by just sell the idea to some of your frenz, WITHOUT any products.
And, there is no right & wrong for doing any MLM because it is just a different type of business. It's the same that we are not at any position to judge anyone who want to open a coffee shop because we will never know the outcome.
So, for those who wanted to do MLM and treat MLM as their ultimate business to realise their dreams, please choose wisely as there are many Pyramid scheme that is so confusing that you might mistakenly thought that it is a great business(MLM).
Both are fail no matter wat
venture era is bullshit seriously. biggest company obviously is amway. but u really wan to work there then gg to u. their quota is really hard to hit. want choose company must see whether u got the ability to meet the quota. best is no quota slow and steady. =D find company see product. dun see the compensation system too much. eventually also will change. if company can halfway change product then that company also not worth doing alrdy.
for those who say mlm = pyramid. pyramid must go jail 1 leh. i doing mlm how come i not in jail. if want to say anything pls have something to back up. or else end up disgracing urself only. might as well dun say.
also just to add on to my previous post. why ve is bullshit. u might want to find out how ve advertise to ppl. and also what products they selling. indeed some products are good. but how many are copied from other companies? around 10+ years of history. the boss from another networking company come set up another networking company. pull how many ppl to the company. almost make the previous one bankrupt. then dun even have DSAS cert. still want say best company. this isnt a place to advertise ur company hor. so many underaged ppl working there still want say best company. water system so many chemicals. magnetic bed still same as 10 years ago. air purifier copy from ppl. want buy anything also can find better one elsewhere.
whatever it is do find a company that is trustworthy and dunnid u to invest. product also must improve since 10 years ago. and the techniques used are not some con ppl technique. must based on facts. amway is really a good company. but too bad no more potential.
Originally posted by Alhazi:venture era is bullshit seriously. biggest company obviously is amway. but u really wan to work there then gg to u. their quota is really hard to hit. want choose company must see whether u got the ability to meet the quota. best is no quota slow and steady. =D find company see product. dun see the compensation system too much. eventually also will change. if company can halfway change product then that company also not worth doing alrdy.
another CLASSIC example of why MLM companies cannot improve their company reputation..it is due to people like this person who goes around slandering other companies and spreading rubbish, telling us the readers that the poser of the comment is a direct reflection of what he contributes which says that the person is saying nothing but rubbish.
rubbish or not up to u. ur boss pull ppl 10 years ago went up the news. doubt u even know anything about it. anyone who do networking long enough will know about ve and their lame way of doing things.
slander or fact up to u. if ppl can say their company good. i can also say their company bad. see who got more facts to back the argument lor. u dun like what im saying thats ur own problem. facts arent intended to be nice to hear
Originally posted by Alhazi:rubbish or not up to u. ur boss pull ppl 10 years ago went up the news. doubt u even know anything about it. anyone who do networking long enough will know about ve and their lame way of doing things.
slander or fact up to u. if ppl can say their company good. i can also say their company bad. see who got more facts to back the argument lor. u dun like what im saying thats ur own problem. facts arent intended to be nice to hear
what are you talking about when you said "my boss pull ppl 10yrs ago went up the news"
who's my boss?
how do you know who is my boss when i myself don't know since when do i have a boss as I'm working for myself and nobody else right now. So I was wondering how did you come to the conclusion I have a boss?
Obviously you're not watching news, reading newspapers or doing business..even if the business is bad..business owners don't say negative remarks on their competitors at any one time...but if you insist you want to say remarks about other companies by all means..continue at your own expense..
yeah whatever. if u really like to make urself sound so nice. like how u ppl always do. dun wanna argue with u
most fail to see the opportunity.. yes ppl in the rat race.. i dont understand why they can take it.. end up by the age of 50, u cant retire, ure slogging like mad.. ur kids still have to pursue their studies... debts and more debts...not saying Network Marketing(currently) is the way for them, but us Singaporeans have to realise that inflation does happens and when a plate of chicken rice cost 5 bucks. Whos fault isit?? they will complain and complain, even to the government. and it will be a fact in the near future.
for an eg.look at Amway, they are doing so well worldwide, turnover billions annually. However, singaporeans are still skeptical about it, when a company like that can contribute so much to the GDP. Lets take a MNC, DELL, their system of business is somewhat like networking marketing, which saves alot of cost!! try going to Taiwan or the USA and you tell the people there MLM cannot be done, you will end up as the laughing stock.
The image and stigma of MLM is still bad, but majority fail to understand... nevertheless, its alright.
choose company that its still pioneer and have not expand to other countries.. I believe there are, like VE, LFI, BWL,AMWAY,4LIFE,Nyouth etc etc.. these company have the potential to be like AMWAY or NUSKIN 1 day. for the stats, 2009, in Sg (u guys can search online), no.1) LFI 2) Amway 3) BWL .. list goes on..fyi
MLM is not a Pyramid.. majority still cant differentiate that. anyway, most industries or ogranisations are like pyramids, doesnt all the CEOs earn the most, while employees do the most work.
There is no perfect thing in this world, and i believe all MLM coys have their bad and good.. but nevertheless, I strongly believe all Networkers want to change the image of network marketing and be a powerful industry by itself. (guys don't argue over whos company is the best)...we strive to change the image, which is of more importance. (:
Originally posted by gtyp:most fail to see the opportunity.. yes ppl in the rat race.. i dont understand why they can take it.. end up by the age of 50, u cant retire, ure slogging like mad.. ur kids still have to pursue their studies... debts and more debts...not saying Network Marketing(currently) is the way for them, but us Singaporeans have to realise that inflation does happens and when a plate of chicken rice cost 5 bucks. Whos fault isit?? they will complain and complain, even to the government. and it will be a fact in the near future.
for an eg.look at Amway, they are doing so well worldwide, turnover billions annually. However, singaporeans are still skeptical about it, when a company like that can contribute so much to the GDP. Lets take a MNC, DELL, their system of business is somewhat like networking marketing, which saves alot of cost!! try going to Taiwan or the USA and you tell the people there MLM cannot be done, you will end up as the laughing stock.
The image and stigma of MLM is still bad, but majority fail to understand... nevertheless, its alright.
PS: Stick to the thread topic, will you?
your input shows nothing except for the fact that you're trying to display your intelligence/wisdom only..
PLUS: get your facts right first..Singaporeans are not skeptical of Amway and a few other reputable companies..the fact is that most of us are already in contact or know of people who are in that company and have preferred friends to make the purchase..
So when you say people are skpetical of Amway..i think you said it purely because you faced rejections when trying to sell/recruit people into this company without knowing the fact that most Singaporeans already have pre-existing connections with this company in one-way or another thus they will not be even interested in wanting to know more unless they/their friends/parents know nothing about mlm at all la..
if you are unsure of the information, don't post it..else it will cast a negative impression on yourself.
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:Wow why so defensive? I dun dare to say I'm brilliant but my brain is definitely bigger than mlmers. Threads like this, most probably started by mlmers to mislead people into singing praises for mlm companies. Let me teach u smthg, y dun u cre8 a clone for urself and start posting positives about the mlm company u r going to talk about? There, I'm being constructive.
LOL。。poor Mr negative whos not into business。maybe try working for macs at least got stable burgers to eat �)
Originally posted by gtyp:choose company that its still pioneer and have not expand to other countries.. I believe there are, like VE, LFI, BWL,AMWAY,4LIFE,Nyouth etc etc.. these company have the potential to be like AMWAY or NUSKIN 1 day. for the stats, 2009, in Sg (u guys can search online), no.1) LFI 2) Amway 3) BWL .. list goes on..fyi
MLM is not a Pyramid.. majority still cant differentiate that. anyway, most industries or ogranisations are like pyramids, doesnt all the CEOs earn the most, while employees do the most work.
There is no perfect thing in this world, and i believe all MLM coys have their bad and good.. but nevertheless, I strongly believe all Networkers want to change the image of network marketing and be a powerful industry by itself. (guys don't argue over whos company is the best)...we strive to change the image, which is of more importance. (:
companies like LFI and whatever crap won't be around in a few years ! companies selling one-time-off products are in for the quick buck, that's all !
only companies selling items that have recurring sales like healthfood, cosmetics etc can survive for the long haul. plus local companies or those from Hong Kong or Malaysia can't be compared to American ones.
didn't i hear people here complain about LFI increasing their prices a couple times already with some packages actually doubling in price ?
it's a sure sign of impending trouble ! with more and more people getting paid upstream, either you need more people buying downstream or you increase the prices, simple math !