Hi, I am new here, and saw a mlm discussion here so created to ask some professional forummers here for advice.
I was at City Hall recently, and was approach by a guy promoting SkyQuestCom, it is a mlm membership about some online videos of wealth gurus. I did not really paid attention, but is interested in joining. He sounded quite sincere and the scheme looks promising. Is it just another mlm scam or have any kind souls here willing to share if you have make money from it, or any advice. Thanks in advance. FYI, the scheme cost US$520 to join so I just want to make sure it is worth the value.
Pink Lady
Well, lady u have to ask them questions abt their background, business structures etc...
It'll be better if they can show you more instead of just soliciting on the road. I do have a business proposal for you, if u are interested... Email me: moneymind7301@gmail.com
Hi all,
I just log in and received a PM from someone, appeared to be a ex-member of SkyQuestCom, in the PM, she (I guess it is a girl from the username) wrote that she paid US$250 last time, but recently was changed to US$520. She gave up the membership after the increase in price. Upon her permission, I copy and paste part of the long PM I received from her.
No flamming please, if there is anything, please fell free to add or advise in this forum so that all can share.
Should You Join SkyQuestCom? Is SkyQuestCom worth the money? Firstly, understand that SkyQuestCom is A MLM company promoting videos of gurus like Brain Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, etc. Many MLM companies promote physical products, but SkyQuestCom is probably the second company besides Success University to promote digital products. Now that sounds like a good product, but let's look at the business structure.
As a new member of SkyQuestCom, you will be encouraged to recruit other participants, attend their training, who would in turn be encouraged to recruit others, and many more, etc. – from whom you could collect commissions and/or bonuses on what they buy or sell. Do you like to do recruiting? Do you want to turn to your friends and close ones to ask them to be your downlines? If yes, please, read on.
SkyQuestCom has a "promotion scheme" in a hierarchy of multiple levels of participants achieved by recruitment and/or by a combination of recruitment and sales volume. The structure is available when you sign up. The multi-level binary hierarchy is typical of many MLMs out there which if you cannot sell, is doom to fail in the long run. The company pay overrides (commissions and bonuses) to independent distributors (the term when you buy their membersip) in a hierarchy of many levels. This is a never-ending multi-level "scheme". Ask yourself, do you want to get into this multi-level scheme?
You are expected to pay a few hundred US dollars, a lump sum for an annual membership. When you are encouraged to make initial purchases in order to take advantage of the “business opportunity,” and buy more "ongoing membership" later to continue qualifying for advancement in (or payout in overrides and bonuses from) SkyQuestCom. This is a very important or in fact true for almost all MLM companies. A good product should be sold due to the product itself rather than to buy some "ongoing membership" to sell to another to buy this "ongoing membership" to sell to another, to sell to another and so on, thus multi-level never-ending scheme.
The total amount of commissions (or discounts, bonuses, etc.) paid by SkyQuestCom to the entire upline of a participant receive is more than he/she would receive for actually making the sale. When this happens, the MLM structure is doom for failure for those who just join in the long run when the optimal threshold of recruitment is reached or when demand, or market forces become saturated. So this is not a get rich quick scheme.
So is SkyQuestCom, a good business opportunity that is worth your time, effort, and investment in? Always look at the business structure of the MLM company before you join. Calculated chances are your rate of success is actually lower than the rate of winning the lottery from statistics of MLM companies all over the world who have a similar MLM business structure. If you can sell those gurus videos, go ahead; if you can't, stay away and avoid it like plague.