As far as i know that Amway is the father of all MLM. IS anyone can tell me what is the amway market and actually if their products are good or not ?
This is the Singapore website, can browse through all the unique top quality safe and great products :)
Icic, why not?
Did anybody show u the business?
Nope, it actually depends on how you look at it, and what are the values of the business and the education system.
One thing is if you build it correctly and the right way, it will be stable and long lasting :)
dear brothers,
am interested to find out from those Amway members more on its business. last month my aunt's approached my mom asking me to join her but i rejected! i declined not cos am not keen to find out more on Amway but the attitude my aunt's had given me in the past, pissed me and unhelpful. nevertheless, its a long story...
although, i dont agree with MLM but am interested to go in and find out more. most importantly i need a good mentor. i dont wanna join to waste my time. shld you be/ shld you ve a good boss & mentor pls email me to meet him
thank you very much.
Originally posted by Liquan07:havent yet. my fren tell me to go down with her but i not interested in their biz model because alot of my ex amyways frens said selling more but earning very less.. is this true ?
Hi there, i'm not from amway but in every mlm it is important to have a customer base because they provide you with an income every month and they will actually promote the products for you, though chances are not very high, so it's important to for business builders along the way too to bring you to the top.
From what I've seen and heard, at least from my Network, Amway spends alot of time and money on motivational talks compared to sales lessons...
Originally posted by MohamedF:From what I've seen and heard, at least from my Network, Amway spends alot of time and money on motivational talks compared to sales lessons...
My 2cents: Amway is a place to look for an income of like $5k to at most around $10k if you are really good, if you are looking for wealth, making $50k and above then you should be looking elsewhere. I believe the reason well-established companies will still tell the people in their network that they can be earning a big amount is that they still want to be in business and more distributors can never hurt a company that has been around for so long.
No offence, I totally respect Amway for being the first in the industry and showing people that network marketing does work. Go Amway Go!
how to earn?
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:how to earn?
in what way?
Originally posted by Liquan07:hmm. maybe i could go n take a look.. but anyone know how much is the the fee or whatever mbr fee ?
i remember a forumer here from Amway,but can't remember who exactly,look around the forum and see
Originally posted by Liquan07:hmm. maybe i could go n take a look.. but anyone know how much is the the fee or whatever mbr fee ?
To sign up as an Amway IBO, you need to purchase the starter kit, which costs $69. It has all the necessary information needed to start the business :)