Is Emmax Multi Level Marketing company ?
No...they're actually Multi Level Carparks.
oh u r so lame sia
Simi ming kia?
The latest reincarnation of Sunshine Empire
eh seriously... i went there last week or early this week, totally same location as the sunshine empire. that guy i tink mr lionel or smth told me he did not know that sunshine empire was there last time then he told me that he did not hear of sunshine empire, then he told me he was from sunshine empire.. master of peng wei..
anyway those who are not convinced, emmax has totally no source of proper revenue.
the companies tehy claim they affiliate
1) health products companies ( make ups, vitamins , lingerie , blabla bla)
2) that star grooming company they claim to be affiliated with
3) their training agency which caters to em-max people
4) their bars and such
5) their macau casino table
only the first 2 brings actual income, however due to so much competition and such, how much do you think these companies can bring in.
from what i heard from my friend, that MR lionel (duno hw to spell) has 3k downlines or 700 downlines.. not sure about that. either 3k or 700. either ways its alot.
from this guy alone, if all 700(700 would be sufficient) have one gold plan each of course many will have multiple gold plans and such and there are more managers. there would be 700x 10000(lets take 10k as gold plan) 700 0000 dolars pumped into the companies. Do you guys think selling skincare and grooming stars could bring you much much more than the 7 million they pump in? Is it feasible to pump in 7 million dolars in such companies?
of course that example is only given by one manager, if you take the rest in concern.. imagine how much money is pumped in to support this ploy. it is impossible to sustain their bussiness in respect to the ammount of money pumped in.
i guess this is another hit and run scam after all
1. EazyMax - Online Shopping Platform
2. Empire Property Venture - Real Estate and Property Investments
3. EmCall - VOIP Call Back
4. EmDynamic - Training
5. Empir Entertainment Dynasty - Media and Entertainment
6. Empire Club - Macau Entertainment VIP Club
7. Niu Lifestyle - Health, Beauty and Wellness
sorry about the 5 i said due to insufficient information after research i four the above 7 which is more or less the same.
ok the ones which could reap profits are,
the rest are more towards welfare.
out of these 5 above,
example 2 and 3 were from sunshine-empire as well... and many proofs have been pointed against them.
examples 1 and 7 are bussinesses that they have done for quite a long time but make little to none profit from.
example 5 wont make much money to the extent to the investors could get their investments sustained
Originally posted by elementalangel:
1. EazyMax - Online Shopping Platform
2. Empire Property Venture - Real Estate and Property Investments
3. EmCall - VOIP Call Back
4. EmDynamic - Training
5. Empir Entertainment Dynasty - Media and Entertainment
6. Empire Club - Macau Entertainment VIP Club
7. Niu Lifestyle - Health, Beauty and Wellness
sorry about the 5 i said due to insufficient information after research i four the above 7 which is more or less the same.
ok the ones which could reap profits are,
the rest are more towards welfare.
out of these 5 above,
example 2 and 3 were from sunshine-empire as well... and many proofs have been pointed against them.
examples 1 and 7 are bussinesses that they have done for quite a long time but make little to none profit from.
example 5 wont make much money to the extent to the investors could get their investments sustained
Profits? Oh please.. they make me laugh.
Emcom. First they say want to build wireless network in singapore, so enthusiastically recruiting ppl based on this, then later? Vanish... Later say want to build wireless project in Taichung. Then? Vanish too.
EPV... Malacca resort project. Design changed at least 3 times, after it's been sold. Empire state tower in KL, abductboy and others had already proven that the nothing can be built on the site.
Emcall... the callback thing is very unreliable and inconvinient. I would rather call directly on a regular telecom.
And I wonder what happened to Emall/Emwealth which indirectly claim sales of more than few hundred millions.
I have no comment for the others because I havent read/heard of them before.
oh ok! wow u all know quite a lot mah!
Lee Yong Chew, trying to cover up your misdeeds slowly by pulling EmMax agents to a new company? Why not cheat your own SIA sister? Since you even cheat your own mother, fiance and closest friends.
Due to popular demand. Here is it. The infamous scammer from Holland Village, Lee Yong Chew. Please note that to protect himself, he prints 'Ken Lee' in all his name cards. 'Ken Lee' is not his real name. He is Lee Yong Chew.
Name in NOP, NTI, Sunshine Empire, EmMax: Ken Lee
NRIC Name: Lee Yong Chew
Sunshine Empire Account: sglee0039z01-001 and several others
Last known office: Room 6 BRM of Toa Payoh Office
(Used to hang a Korean Sunshine Empire logo to cheat even his own mother and finance Joanne See Hui Jing. Can see him singing with fellow scammer Daniel in a YouTube video. Cheated many of his relatives too. Same as his father, who is a alcoholic, jailbird, gambling addict, IMH patient and loan shark lackey.)
Last known Address: Block 12, Holland Ave 1, #05-29, S 272012
Last known Email:
Last known Mobile: (65) 90686892
Last known residenial number: (65) 63410869
Note: Direct downline of Jackie Hoo.
Jackie Hoo, if you think I misrepresented your BRM, feel free to reply to me in private or post here. No use trying to cover up my postings in your meetings. I have my witnesses.
"There are too many blacksheeps in the company, posting in forums to bomb our good name! Shu Da Zao Feng! (When a tree is big, it attracts the wind)" - Jackie Hoo
Jackie, that's right. Keep being arrogant.
Dear Our Valued Distributors,
James Phang had made the final announcement that the refund for all Singapore merchant would not be on October 2008 .
Emmax will inform all Singapore Merchant the actual refund date by next year on February 2009 .
For any further inquiry you may contact Emmax Management :00852-2377-1777 or 00852-2199-7887 or Lee Yong Chew, Singapore's Number One Lackey of Jackie Hoo, at (65) 90686892.
Sam Mok
The EmMax Management Team
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Emmax is doing things SE style, establishing many small companies in the various fields in HK.
Now they're calling for auditions for people who want to "break into HK entertainment". Don't make me laugh.
Speaking of 'entertainment', no one does it best like James Phang's publicity stunts and real life retribution.
During the Sunshine Empire 1st Anniversary Celebration (the final and only one) held in Genting Highlands in 2007, James Phang and Jackie Hoo was being held up in detention and assisting in investigation by the Commercials Affairs Department [CAD] of Singapore. Their passports were held by the police and could not escape.
David Phang (brother of James Phang and accomplice) announced in the Sunshine Empire Concert (held in "Arena of Stars", Genting Highlands) that he was busy in Singapore as his mother was sick and resting in hospotal.
This is a lie, publicity stunt and cover-up.
The instructions from Jackie Hoo to all BRMs such as Lee Yong Chew (Fake Name used to scam people = Ken Lee), Rick, Yuan Jie (David), Mei Qi, Alex Au etc, was to safeguard this information of James Phang being locked up by the police.
Top priority was to ensure confidence of GP investors in the Taipei and TaiChung Wireless project (now both proven to be non-existent) and not to upset the Sunshine Empire Agents outside of Singapore.
The secondary priority was to shift attention of CAD, MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) to investigate other MLM companies such as EnYouth, Long Far and CosLab. Jackie's rationale was EnYouth was most similar to NTI; LongFar and Coslab's products and marketing plans was most similar to Sunshine Empire's unauthorised and unregulated investment schemes (Gold Prime, Silver Prime, Bronze Prime, EmPin). Agents were told to call CAD, MediaCorp to report the alleged crimes of these companies.
This was also the time that the internationl GP or EmPin was formulated to save Sunshine Empire Singapore. (Later on, EmPin's pay out proved to be worst than any other GP, SP or BP. Now EmPin is a defunct product and investors are still waiting for a refund)
One month later, James Phang's mother really died. Agents, Managers, Downlines were all expected to attend the wake and funeral to prove their loyalty to James Phang and attendance was taken. It is a EGA tradition to make even a wake/funeral to be a business related function. Small division meeting were even held during the wake to boost sales in order to compensate James Phang's lost.
Serves him right... its scary how people still believe in someone with a track record of failed projects owing investors hundreds of millions.
I always hear SE ppl say "who never fail before". This is not a case of if ppl fail before, its a case of someone deliberately scamming people. Proven track record of excuses. Force ppl to go funeral? Most pro...really cult. May someone else die too.
Best thing? Say emmax "is doing very well", somemore have money to start entertainment business, conventions, etc... but no money to return people?
Observer, I had started numerous threads at Hardwarezone forums. Maybe you could post there too.
In 2007, SE people liked to go YouTube to search 'Sunshine Empire' to show clients those scam videos of 'Danshui', "wireless taiwan" and even a fake Ma Ying Jiu letter. You search 'EmMax, NOP, NTI, Sunshine' on YouTube, you see the truth on YouTube. You even get to see the MTV that Jackie Hoo made to brainwash teenagers back in NTI...
Sabrina (JAC) made this video for Daniel Tan (JAC) and Ken Lee Yong Chew (JAB) to brainwash the younger agents. More to come. Still searching for that elusive 'Car Achiever' video. Will also upload James Phang MP3 quality audio training. His speeches used in various talks have been unchanged since the 90s in NOP, NTI, SE, EmMax. Always playing the same old tune. You will be amazed at his brainwashing tactics. e.g. using a BDM, Miss Yinzi's singing and young children to sing about 'fillial piety' and 'family'; to preach that you must scam a lot of money to be a worthy person to face your parents. Destructive values.
Will not want to comment on James Phang mother's death. I do believe in karma. James Phang's dauther, I pity her though.
Sabrina, wake up please. You don't have to be loyal to James Phang to be a fillial daugther. Your belief system is corrupted by too much 'blind motivation' by your upline, Daniel Tan, who he himself is brainwashed by Jackie Hoo and James Phang. And your BRM, 'Ken' Lee Yong Chew (NRIC: 8040039Z), is a psychopath with records in IMH (Institute of Mental Health) for Alcohism, Obsessive Compusive Behaviour, Anti Social Personality Disorder and early Psychosis; imprisoned for 2 years in Queenstown remand for an unknown crime and have also been charged in court twice for drunk driving. Ask the man himself. Ask Joanne See Hui Jing (ex-finance), what kind of character does Ken Lee Yong Chew has? Even better, ask his mother and sister. Your BRM used up the money he gets from clients for EmMax plans for prostitution and Gambling in genting casinos. Just ask his most loyal lackeys who finally seen his true colours and left Sunshine Empire. Ng Chun Kiat, Stanley, Alan, Alex... etc etc. You can even ask Meiqi and Ming Jie, old two-headed lackeys who still wants to scam people from EmMax to join their Palm Tree Seeds scam in Malaysia.
What is emmax doing now? Do you know what companies it has set up in HK?
Funny it can have enough money to organise mass brainwashing seminars, start so many businesses but no money to return to people...
James Phang had made the final announcement that the refund for all Singapore merchant would not be on October 2008 .
Emmax will inform all Singapore Merchant the actual refund date by next year on February 2009 .
For any further inquiry you may contact Emmax Management :00852-2377-1777 or 00852-2199-7887 or Lee Yong Chew, Singapore's Number One Lackey of Jackie Hoo, at (65) 90686892.
Is this true? So good mah they want to return money to Singapore Merchant!