Yo guys. Hve just visited Heeren's newly opened shopping levels at the 4th and 5th floor.Must say I'm impressed.
They really designed it like Japan's Harajuku for the young and fashionable. The shops all small small wan, except for 77th Street. Then everything so colourful. The walkway winding here and there, graffitti on the walls, aiiyyohh, can giddy arr.
Talking about 77th Street. This shop the decor so stylo mylo. Very cyber and unusual. Got a cyber tunnel in the middle of the shop that leads to the other side of the shopping lane. Then there is a sign which says visit my77thstreet.com website. The staff said shud be up in a couple of days. Inside got games, contests also got forum. But got no e-commerce wan. Last visited was still under construction. But from the look of the construction page, the site shud be happening
my77thstreet.com, try it.
Will be telling my frens to hangout there with me
[This message has been edited by Geeweez (edited 19 October 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Geeweez (edited 19 October 2000).]