Originally posted by perrification:
Okay... fallen... its really true on lau's part that u are not focusing on the policies and legalities issues.
The product... erm... actually i thought you were talking about Lu mi mi at first. but yeah legacy clarified that point. anyway just a curious question,
did you join nti in the past hoping to market aroma therapy things? yes true you can redeem those stuffs...but to me its kinda like freebies instead of products u know...? well to me la. maybe some people really do get mall points for that.
anyway u refer to products in this current scheme (product...well if u want to consider the partnership as a "product" fine)... and signing up for emcom since singapore is going wireless...?
the seamless wireless prog is launching in Tai Zhong... Not Singapore as far as Emcom is concern. Yes true there are like wad...Qmax Starhub and Singtel doing the wireless thing in Singapore but that has nothing to do With Blue Engine(Yes they previously worked with M1 to create hotspots) Taiyee or Emcom although we did try bidding for the local one, anyway Singapore one does not provide SEAMLESS wireless. its just Hot spots. =) unless i missed out on some information but this doesnt really concern the scheme since u are talking about a local context.
You keep talking about sound investment... Erm... can you list me the risk? Other than James Phang running away with the dough, Mega Earthquake in Taiwan which will destroy TaiZhong...Any Better Ones?
For Interested partners, i would say look at facts. look and judge for yourself the potential of a seamless wireless communities consider the commercial value of it. and reason out if its truly TOO good of a deal that they return u that kinda percentile. I think its a damn good deal only if they actually let me hold shares of Emcom which we dont. For me as a SP...24-27K vs Shares... hmmm... i want shares more but well too bad for me they dont give it like this.
Look also at the whether is it really impossible for emcom to give you such high returns on a monthly basis. anyway people who feel that its a scam...well the infrastructures are almost complete and everything is more or less in place no i am not saying the project is 80% done. but well too much hardware and infrastructure has been put in that this project is about to launch...and u know the potential of it. Its one hell of a scam to just run away with maybe 40-50million dollars. Its worth much more than that amount. Btw... the whole 18 phases only has 100 000 Lots. (unless i am misinformed) so we are not pooling an unlimited supply of capital. We could, but every detail is calculated.
there are so many points which i can list to classify this as a mid-low risk "investment" so for my few pointers which are superficial, how many in-depth NOs can u present to us? except talking about the past and how we were NOP before...come on... what else? Hmm... Guess What...Bill Gates Doesnt have a very Pretty Past too... Well... *shrugs* food for thought i guess.
anyway gathering from what u said, please find out more about our current project and comment on us. Dont cock and fire away like this... its just nonsensical. If you cant be bothered... Then u are maybe in no correct place to inform anyone about not doing this. By the way... Who says we always sign people on the spot. So far i always give my client minimum 2-3days to decide themselves and go through the Agreement with their family or whoever they want to show. Fallen... please dont generalise us. Like i say... As far as my group is concern... we dont do hard selling. Hard Selling is nonsense. Peace out. Just my 2.5 Cents.
go get your facts (which I seriously doubt you will get the true facts) right on redeemtion of products before you come back to talk to me. (i'm not being arrogant, but you think i've not tried redeemtion?)
go probe more, see what excuses they give you.
for you to give such a "long detail" explaination on the Investment, I confirm you 100% rookie in MLM industry.
I will not comment much on your post, but just to let you know, if you seriously know and have confidence in what you are doing, you will not be defending till this extent.
You want to WIN, inside you are just a Loser due to YOUR FEAR
Those who have absolute CONFIDENCE in the services in any form, try all ways to clarify matters compared to people who knows what they really are doing than they will let time speak for itself and NOT you standing OUT be a hero to clarify.
Just look at the approach adults handle difficulties and problems, than you will see another perspective.
It's NOT a practise of Businessman/Businesswoman to discuss Businesses through this channel, grow up (mentally) and observe how Businesses really function!
I'll let you win since you want it so badly. For me, i feel nothing, whether someone actually wants to really understand more in depth, that person will take a netural approach, and be open to anything, and everything listen than consider.
Winning this debate or losing doesn't concerns me at all for I get NOTHING out of this process. BUT for you, you DIE DIE have to win because you have a MOTIVE to WIN this DEBATE but I HAVE NO MOTIVE!What I want to do here is simple - allow people to get a better understanding of what they are throwing themselves in for before they sign it.
My stand is CLEAR - I am here to share, I will only share with people who are keen to listen, not people who wants to defend themselves or anything.
For now, you are just challenging me with the purpose of winning a debate, I am not here to challenge nor debate on anything.
I am just here to share what I know and how to actually make a sound decision.
you method of looking at an investment plan is SHORT-SIGHTED to be honest.
Again like what I've told Laurence, if you want to know how to have make and arrive at a SOUND decision, you jolly well go listen to more REAL INVESTMENTS OFFERED OUTSIDE and COMPARE THE DIFFERENCES.
- Don't just look at the sky from inside the well, jump out and you will see a much bigger picture of the sky.