Bel'Air - has been bad for some but good for some.
Some gave up when not making headway when still stuck with local market and not making progress.
And few are doing really well when they connect to overseas market from local.
So there are failures & success -
Chances of success very much depends on the leader who can show you the "practical how-to-do" based on actual experience instead of the rah-rah- feel good motivational talks and promises.
Start-up amount is your choice: minimum $60 for a professional looking Organiser-type presentation folder plus one-year Corporate newsletter mailed to your house.
No compulsory maintenance and no maintenance required to enjoy retail & over-riding commissions.
I am not an employee of Bel'Air, just an independant distributor who have expanded to Toronto, Canada (also given the opportunity to operate a stockist operations there because of the volumes I managed to grow and sustain in past years in Canada and USA). The Middle East markets is my next growth market from next month.
So this is the way to ride on the MLM opportunity and not selling to friends, uncles and aunties.
I have known of people who failed badly in Bel'Air too and I know why. So if you want success, talk to those who succeeded well (not just one month) for many years already. Contact me via "send message" button if you want to know more - and if you want to verify documents to show overseas volumes sustaining. I am a humble person, no BMW's, no rah-rah and no-bull-shit.
Success is Your choice.....