I am sure some may have thought about it before and I ain't the first.
We go to see a doctor for prescriptions of even the most basic things such as weight gain/loss, flu, hair loss, insomnia, heartache (oops Doctor Agony will take care of this).
We trust the doctor to prescribe the medication (even though we do not know what it really does). Of course since he/she is certified to do it as he should know the types of medicines or supplements well.
The question remains, what certification does MLMers have to show that they can advise their fellow MLMers or loved ones?
Product certifications does not count.
MLM leverages on the merit of trust. I trust you as a friend or cousin, that's why I buy the stuff.
not really..
the rule of the thumb is to check any certification or awards produced...
I love BMW
doctors need certification because they are feeding you with DRUGS.
Staff at GNC and Watsons have no certifications either (except the Pharmacists as they are distributing drugs, usually very strong ones like Benocten, Clarisils).