Originally posted by BufPuf:
any to share?
hmm..quite a lot leh..keke..she always do those funni funni stuffs..especially all puppies..den will give u those "im innocent" look..kekeke..

well..let's not say funni thingy in my case..let's say..BuBBleS actually surprised me and Dprophecy...
well..since the day i set my eyes on her..(8 days old..) she hv been very quiet..very demure..keke..yep..she bark when she's in the farm..she bark for the 1st 1 week when i took her back..den..begin to teach her not to bark unless it's urgent..

so..lucky she pick up the skill fast..den no need to face our neighbour so paiseh liao mah..scare they'll complain mah..

well..i remembered we're in the room..tt time..she's ard 8 mths old..den me..Dprophecy and BuBBleS were like enjoying a tv show..den commercial time..

den our dear Dprophecy wanna see if BuBBleS will like be affected when me kena hammer by others or not..den Dprophecy pretended to hit me hard on my thigh..making those hitting sound..den i pretend to cry..

well..when BuBBleS saw tt..within 2 sec..she snapped at Dprophecy's hand..the one he used to "hit" me..wow..!! im amazed..!!

kekeke..den Dprophecy grumble throughout the show..while i cuddled BuBBleS all the way..she's my baby..~