* MoonIce record ah gui being treated gently
* MoonIce gently pinched ah gui all ocer
* MoonIce gently pinched ah gui all *over*
where ah cek sia
MI sm ah ghost

~ The action continues....~
strategically positioned somewhere... waiting to get bumped...

[2:34 pm]
* skid brings venetian ice cream for moonie
ah ghost waits to be banged?
yoz 3625...i'm good thx...you?
mos > wat banged...? i very innocent 1

* laurence82 bump ghostie
ah ghost and ah lau...bump each other?
~ let the bumping begins ~
ah ghost and ah lau...bump each other? Shocked
[2:37 pm]
* MoonIce thanks skid with a peck on the cheek
ah mos u wanna bang ah gui izzit
lai lai i recording
who bang who ?
MoonIce thanks skid with a peck on the cheek>> bbb jealous
ah soh...ah ghost wants to bang u...ontop of the toilet bowl
MI Mad
* MoonIce huggies bbb n kiss gently
thx moonieEmbarassed
hahahaha.... i am un-bangable Razz
she bang she bang..oh baby she moves she moves
* pwnz0r slaps ah lau to shuddup
[2:42 pm]
* Ah Cek penetrate
when i fall in lurvvvvvv, will it be foreeeeverrrr
ah lau> you a ricky martin fan?
ah cek pentrate ah ghost? Shocked
skid....ah lau is a fan of william hung
skid, hell no, i am that rickety martin's fan
~ In came ah cek...penetrating...~
skid, hell no, i am that rickety martin's fan
ah cek=ah tiko
* browniebaobao pulls soh
* browniebaobao pulls soh's hair and bang his head against the wall
only for a short while though.lol
wah ah cek is back ar?
ah cek ming yu sao di ar..
i thought his wife hantam him, go hospital
pwn...ah cek penetrating dunno who...duyn disturb lah
keke pwn
* Ah Cek juz now follow MI out...lost along the way back...tmd
welcome back missqi....you won't be bored now
ah cek pentrating ah mos ar good shoe
* laurence82 yawns, picks up newspapers to read
ah cek stalks MI
ah cek> who tell u u turn
* skid lights ah lau's papers on fire
MI> got pple call me ma
* browniebaobao sets fire on ah lau's newspaper
muz u turn dee
* laurence82 smashes skid's head with the burning papers
* Ah Cek withdraw
* laurence82 kicks bbb
* Ah Cek penetrate
skid> great minds think alike. Laughing
[2:48 pm]
* Ah Cek withdraw
~ Ah Cek moving in rythyem ~