( i do not know if it is appropriate to reveal this to everyone here??)
No religion introduction here....

I have a most respected lecturer from NP. "Whenever he stands i need to retreat 3steps behind him. and kowtow to him say <> 3times".
This was an extract of
part of the email message sent to me:
Life is short and unpredictable. Only God knows. Death for me is a passing phase, another step. Its a sad thing. I believe that when I die, I will go to heaven.
To die is to gain, actually - and strangely enough. But the human side of me grief. Man, I tell you, did I grief much when my friends and in-laws died. I have seen enough deaths around me to say that I have "seen" much. But the God that I believe knows, He understands what I am going through and will sustain me.
A person's death is somewhat pre-determined, and it is for the better. Share with you how my mother-in-law died. She was a Christian.
She was diabetic, with heart problem, had hyper-tension, high blood pressure and ashmatic. She was 59 when she died. God took her away, knowing that she would not survive all these bodily problems. She died in a coma, not knowing the pain and the rest of it.... We grieved over this. But God took her away so that it was not too much to for her and took her pain too.
I wish I am that fortunate too.
ZHU_GE_LIANG: There is a message given. Not really about his religion. The underlined part. I got this very useful message. Would not know if it benefits u here?