Hey hey hey!!! Hello all!!!

Cheerleading in Singapore still has a long way to go but it's definitely going places. (Go Denvers!!!Heehee)
I definitely see an increase of interest in cheerleading at least among the secondary schools and tertiary institutions. Kudos to the NTU cheerleaders starting out this year. Keep going people. NUS??? Anyone interested in forming a team??? I still like the name Vickazzy. Woohoo!!! (Sorry too much mocha)

Anyway going out to all the cheerleaders out there. Just do your thing people. Bound to get criticisms and stereotypo all the time (wat language i'm talking) but who cares?? Just have fun and soar or fly to greater heights. To the flyers whenever you hear the song "Flying Without Wings" at least we know what it's really like to fly without wings heehee. Be loud and be proud!!! Keep the cheer going!!!
Yours truly, the mentally unstable