Hi everyone.

We have never tried playing with channeling instruments such as oujia boards or "die xian" and taken photos of the proceedings before. We might try that in the future and see if we can capture anything. I think we can get the best results if we have a videocam and tap recorder on standby as well. Who knows what EVP we might be able to pick up?

We have definately captured loads of photos with orbs in them during our night exploration trips. A very good example would be this one below which was captured with a normal digital camera (Nikon Coolpix) back in 2003 in Lim Chu Kang cemetary. It is our most impressive so far.
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b237/myphotosnaps/limckang/02.swfHowever, many have disputed orbs to be merely reflections of dust or water particles floating in the air.
That photo of the US soldiers above probably has so many orbs due to dust. A quick look at the ground where the picture was taken confirms that it's a dusty place.
However, scientific explanations have not been abl to prove that coloured orbs are indeed dust or water particles. Here are some pictures of coloured orbs taken during our trips.

This shot was taken in the woods of Macritchie, during the search for the lost Shinto shrine. Definately a moth on the left, but the green orb is a real mystery to us.

Red orb captured in View Road Hospital.