Talent Search 2004

Dear All,
Greetings from Tiny Box Music Publishing (Asia)
Tiny Box Music Publishing is the one of the most reputable music publisher in terms of copyrights owned, controlled or administered in Singapore, with rights to countless musical compositions. We focuses on uncovering, marketing and cultivating talented songwriters in Asia, working with upcoming and established writers to build catalogues, which will be appreciated by future generations and making the music of yesterday appropriate to the audience at present. Tiny Box Music Publishing builds its music publishing business throughout Asia by signing new songwriters, renewing existing contracts with songwriters and acquiring catalogues of existing compositions.
We are constantly looking out for talented song writers who are able to have their songs published in Taiwan, HK and other parts of the Asian region with Universal Music Publishing (Singapore) as our worldwide SP.
We are also looking out for talented vocalists who are interested in pursuing their dreams as recording artistes to assist us in demo recording and production work.
Over the past months of talent development and music production work, we are currently looking for song writers/ vocalists as part of Tiny Box Music Publishing management to move into an advance level of music talent development work. In conjunction to our plan of Artistes and Repertoire work in the Asian Region, our Regional Producer, Kenn Wu is now in collaboration with one of our Top Local Song-writer/ Producer, Mr. Àè·�“](LOI FEY HUEI) as our Creative Director.
We welcome any song writers/ vocalists to visit us @Tras Street with their demos and materials anytime.
For more information and questions, do give us a call @62262565.
PS. Should you know of someone who composes music, sings well, pass this news to them, so they can have their music promoted and given a chance to Enter the Musical Industry!!!
Tiny Box Music Publishing (Asia)
68A Tras Street
Singapore 079007
(Tanjong Pagar MRT Station - Exit A)
Contact Person:
Eric Lee or Ernest Chua @ 62262765
Tiny Box Music Publishing (Asia)
68A Tras Street Singapore 079007
Tel: +65-2262765 Fax: +65-6-2262769
Email: info@tinyboxmusic.com
Web: www.tinyboxmusic.com
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