Graham and Company
for Which is scarier? The message, or the flawless ENGLISH?:
blue screen of death
Throne Zwei vs Howard:.
Eins & Drei Gattai?
Setsuna/Neena kiss... ANIMATED
more on Neena
mendoi conclave haven't even release episode 16. should i convert to a new subs?
i go to Sheshin atm....episode 17 2 person RIP
Interesting episode....getting more interesting le...2 factions??
Newtype Summaries are up:
Ep 19 - Bonds
The 3 mysterious siblings called "Trinity" have forced the common people into the conflict with their new Gundams the "Thrones". Setsuna concludes that they are simply "disguising as protectors", and moves out in Exia alone. Turned off by the Thrones, Tiera is forced to overcome his dislike of Setsuna and cooperate with him against them. As the leader of Trinity, Johan, decides to escape, a shocking fact is unveiled at that moment.
Ep 20 - The Blade of Revolution
The 3 superpowers in the world - Union, HRL and AEU - are given information by a mysterious individual. This information proves disasterous for Celestial Being. The 3 superpowers form a common military alliance based on this information to carry out the objective of "Defeating the Gundams". The world is finally united against a common foe - the Gundams.
Ep 21 - The Path of Destruction
The world has united into one, this is the desire of Celestial Being. But it is a unity that seeks to drive Celestial Being out of the world. Why do I exist? While Tiera is troubled, Lockon provides much needed encouragement and they grow closer together. The enemy alert sounds at this moment. The world's united military force has began their mission to eliminate the Gundams from existance.
Ep 22 - Trans Am
The world is no longer interested in the capture of the Gundams, but instead seek to destroy them completely. Against the assault of the united military force of the world's armies, even the Thrones are forced into a defensive position. The situation is an extreme disadvatage. But even then, Setsuna's eyes do not lose their sparkle...
Animedia spoiler
Ep 19 - Bonds
Realising that the Thrones are sowing the seeds of war by dragging civilians into the conflict, Setsuna dispatches in Exia to face them alone. In a 3 against 1 battle, as Setsuna is outnumbered, Tiera sharing his ideals decides to rescue him. Meanwhile, Lockon who didn't stop Setsuna from taking off in the first place decides to join the battle as well, creating a 3 Gundam formation against the Thrones. Johan, seeing no reason to fight against Gundam comrades, decides to flee the scene, but as he does he reveals a shocking truth to Lockon.
Ep 20 - The Blade of Revolution
The 3 factions dedicated to capturing the Gundams come to grips with "that information" which they have all received, and decide to form a military alliance. The actions of the Thrones have united the world under the believe that the Gundams are the "absolute evil". Setsuna watched the world change with mixed feelings. The Thrones' Gundam Meisters launch a frenzied assault on the HRL's bases, but there they find an unexpected level of support troops exist.
Ep 21 - The Path of Destruction
Faced with the situation of the world changing their stance from capture to complete annihilation of the Gundams, Sumeragi moves to prepare a counter for the emergancy situation. Meanwhile, Lockon speaks to Tiera, who is troubled by his doubt on his own significance and of matters concerning Veda. Celestial Being slowly comes to terms with the situation little by little. But at that moment, the alarms sound indicating an enemy attack. The world's military forces have launched an all out attack aimed at taking out Celestial Being once and for all.
Ep 22 - Trans Am
Setsuna and the team get out of their predicament with help of Sumeragi's strategy and new weapon equipment, but the price they paid is too high. The Gundams are now seem as targets for destruction instead of capture. Against the might of the world's army targeting Celestial Being, even the Thrones fall back, but the sparkle in Setsuna's eyes do not disappear..
Some speculation/rumors:
- Johan reveals to Lockon that there is "another Lockon out there"
- Johan and Michael both die in ep21
- GN-Arms shows up in ep21
- People are either going to DIE in ep21 or the Ptolemaios is going BYE BYE, or both ;_;
- Will we see Patrick and Graham working together in ep20 and beyond? ^_^
from animesuki
Episode 18 screencaps
In memory of Howard Mason
Throne Drei plus cockpit location
Wedding scene
Graham's Expression for the episode
Sumeragi san
Louise lost her left arm
feel sorry for her
Saji you too....
Exia vs Thrones cliffhanger
1st gundam damage!!!!
What happened to the Halevy's
New batch of rumours :-
・アレãƒ�ンドãƒã�¯ãƒªãƒœãƒ³ã‚ºã‚’介ã�—ã�¦ãƒ´ã‚§ãƒ¼ãƒ€ã�«æŽ¥è§¦ã�—ã€�疑似太陽炉をæ�載ã�—ã�Ÿã�ªã‚“ã�¡ã‚ƒã�£ã�¦ã‚¬ãƒ³ãƒ€ãƒ ã‚’å�„陣営ã�« 10æ©Ÿã�šã�¤å�ˆè¨ˆ30æ©Ÿã�»ã�©æ¨ªæµ�ã�—ã�™ã‚‹
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・アレルヤã�¯é€€å ´ã€‚TV版カミーユã�¿ã�Ÿã�„ã�ªã�“ã�¨ã�«ã�ªã‚‹ã€‚ã‚ュリオスã�Œã�©ã�†ã�ªã‚‹ã�‹ã�¯ä¸�明。
・ティエリアã�Œ2回ã�»ã�©çµ¶æœ›ã�™ã‚‹ã€‚1回ã�¯ãƒ´ã‚§ãƒ¼ãƒ€ã�«ã€�ã‚‚ã�†1回ã�¯ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚ªãƒ³ã�«ã€‚ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚ªãƒ³ã�¯ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¨ãƒªã‚¢ã‚’庇 ã�£ã�¦é€€å ´ã€‚
・絹江ã€�クリスã�ªã�©ã‚‚é€€å ´ã€‚
Translation :-
1.Alejandro comes into contect with Veda at Ribonz, and give each faction about 10 Gundams (Total about 30 G's in all) each having the GN Drives that's powering the Thrones.
2.By Episode 20, most of the Flags will be replaced. Graham believes that "there's no point in defeating the Enemy if I'm not piloting a Flag" and refuse to ride the new MS and leave the Union. He will go down the road as a Flag manic piloting more variations of the old Flags.
3.Allelujah got his brain fried ala TV Z Gundam Kamiyu , Kyrios whereabout becomes unknown.
4.Tieria will be driven to despair for 2 times in a row. First be Veda and followed by Lockon. Lockon later shoots Tieria beyond the edge.
5. Kinue and Chris will leaves the stage.
6. Setsuna will not have any power up of sorts. It's all in his mind.