Thanx all for coming to my bday celebration......
reali surprised with the turnout....

Events for the day:
KTV @ Partyworld => Dinner @ Marina South => Bowling @ Superbowl => Supper @ Havelock Road => Home Sweet HomeAttendees for KTV:
Honghong2. the Bear (official photographer)
3. IamAngeline
4. shan_cai
5. X-men
6. Devil1976
7. swatchie
8. xian89 (photographer no. 2)
9. Bontakun (photographer no. 3)
10. AngelDark
11. MeOwSuSaN
12. Estee
13. Qoo`~`
14. Blursotong
15. the_don
16. Imperfect
17. antoh (photographer no. 4)
18. mapp|ezz
19. Bufpuf
20. Ah Ma
21. Progene
22. Special Guest appearance - e|mo
e|mo for the silver necklace n a pendant with the word
'HONG' engrave on it..... reali so touched tat u juz appear to give me the pressie n rush off to elsewhere....

IamAngeline, shan_cai n
xian89, Bontakun for the necklace n the dough rose (errr.... it got flatten at the end of the day)

.... they r lovely

shutthehellup n
froggie for the silver necklace with a little teddybear pendant..... it's so cute.....

MeOwSuSaN for the BIG Good Luck Carebear..... i like it very much... not forgetting to name it "u-noe-wat"

HENG@ for giving me my fave Cheerbear

the Bear for tat "How to Turn ur ex-bf into a toad kit".... wahahahah i go n try ok???

antoh n
Devil1976 for the book "Small WOnders".... me long time no read books liao.... will read this....

the_don for tat.... errr how shall i call it???

Ah Ma for ur DHL svs of a t-shirt.... i can wear lah... hehhee.... don worry... nx time i mt u, i wear let u c ok???

PhantomR for the teddybear n a card which says "Not so young anymore, pls don chiong so much

" hahahaha.... i no chiong hoh???

Estee for the cake.... n thanx for not saboing me

Estee, Qoo`~`, Bufpuf, mapp|ezz,
X-men, Imperfect for the ang bao

weidev n
_attitude_ for the piggy bank.... so cute...

reallieRAW for the pair of silver earrings

Thanx all for singing me the bday song.... n the bday card..... ji gan dong yi xia

N not forgeting to thanx
eutjin for sending ur wishes n greetings thru PM b4 u went back to Malaysia...

n thanx for ICQ msg me on the actual day....
@ngel*_* for ur PM wishes too...

Inzaghi, skeujin gorgor, GHoST_18,
keisha chiobu, Seacucumber for ur SMS wishes.....

Egria for ur call n sms.... i still waiting for my pressie hoh???

xian89 n
toothie for ur E-cards....

oops i almost forgot to thanx
Maya jiejie for the greeting msg thru the Bear..... he hugs me for u liao....
'En n
X-men for the bday hugs too

I reali enjoy myself..... hope u all did too.....
sorry for not being a good host