In this InteractiveRPG, Each player will recieve land, which they are King, Queen, Lord, or Emperor of. They will try to restore all that is right between the nations, and if neccesary raise their army of magickal beings, witches and such. We are at a time of war.The year is 3843 A.D. Each King, Queen, Lord, or Emperor is a witch be it whatever gender. They can choose one power out of these powers:
Telekinesis: The power to move anything with your mind, can be channeled through hands.
Pyrokinesis: The power to conjure the element of fire in anyway, can be channeled through hands.
Electrokinesis: The power to conjure the element of lightning, or any electrical element IE: Any forms of electricity, can be channeled through hands.
Hydrokinesis: The power to conjure the element of water. Anything related to water at all. Can be channeled through hands.
Each Ruler, also recieves the power of teleportation of themselves and others. If you posses telekinesis, then you do what is called glimmering. Glimmering is fading out in lights. If you posses pyrokinesis, you flame out which is when you are absorbed in flames and dissappear. If you posses electrokinesis, than you flash out. Flashing out is when a bolt of lightning strikes right where you are and you just dissappear, almost as if you went invisible. If you posses hydrokinesis, then you basically do flaming out, but not with flames; with water.
To start in the game, give me an email or IM @ xxlilq77 on AIM. Or email me at with the
Name of Country:____________________
Region of the world: __________________
Are you a King, Queen, Lord, or Emperor? __________________
How old is your Country: ___________________________
Breif Background Info on your Country (Be creative, after all this is a major part in the game): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What power do you posses?____________________
Any examples on how the game will flow?