The following are some Gameboy Advance Games that I am trying to currently hunt down:
1.The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
2.Classic NES Series: Zelda II: Adventure of Link
3.Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
4.Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island
5.Pokemon Emerald
6.Pokemon FireRed
I will only be buying the above games provided they are:
1. An authentic copy (will not buy pirated/bootleg versions)
2. Manufactured in USA
3. MUST include the box, Game Boy instruction manual and the video game instruction manual
To be honest I actually have all the cartridges for the above games, it's just the box and the manuals I need. I understand though, that many will prefer to sell the game with everything they have, so I will buy the cartridge as well, though if some kind soul is willing to just sell the box and the manuals that will make it a lot simpler for me.
Price will depend on the condition each game.
You want to get the games? I'm sorry can't help you
Sorry ignore my first comment and have a nice day (^.^)