Originally posted by dumbdumb!:
been to those webbies.. not accurate at all and not biblical.
u might as well say study the bible, see how god help those in spiritual attacks.. more useful
Well i didn't say webbies have the answers. Most are just babbles....blah blah blahs
Usually, books from 'safe' authors will reveal more. I go and source for a few old old books and intro.
TO Insightist: Anyway. The Modus Operadi of Satan is always the same.
nothing is new from him, cos he can't create. Only the Almighty has the ability to create.

Read up the bible and you'll see how he worked.
Now the question is if the battleground in your mind needs to be fought? For one thing i let you know, it has been won when He said 'it is finished'. So is there a need to fight? Fighting a won battle may seem foolish....claiming the victory and overcoming it is the key.
Well of cos there's the other side of the coin.
The worst attack i think will be subtle lies. Very dangerous and grey.
You don't even know if you're still walking right.
Take care friend, no matter what you do. Cling onto the cross...don't let go.