take a look at the person frying your kway teow,or hokkien mee the next time you go buy food.keep a sharp eye on him,preparing your high in unhealthy everything,but delifuckingcous lunch/dinner/supper/breakfast.
usually 3/4 of the way thru, he will crack at least one egg.mekanically, he will hold the egg with one hand,usually left hand,in a quick swift motion,knock the egg on the side of his wok. thus spiltting the shell through and through,and drop the contents of the entire egg into the frying mess of food.and at least that is what he would have us beLIEve .
there is at least 1/4 of an egg left in the shell that he threw away.its nt much,maybe just 1/4.but i believe that if i paid for a pack of fried something that has an egg in there, i shud get a whole egg.i din pay for half an egg,not even 3/4 of an egg. i paid for a whole egg and i shud get a whole egg!!!imagine the amount of egg in this guys rubbish bin at the end of the night....
and its not just the eggs these days, not just in hot,stuffy hawker centers,not just your food sellers.they are everywhere.keep your eyes peeled.tell me where and what else are u getting ripped off from.