was out last night armed with a bag of roasted duck meat, walking in some dark industrial estate. my family could not finish all the food that my mum bought for the praying of the hungry ghost,so instead of wasting them, i told my mum that i was gonna take the meat and feed it to the stray dogs.(kids,remember this:do not throw your food away,feed the strays!!)
anyway,i walked around quite abit before i saw my 1st stray. he looks really old and tired.walking slowly with a limp.i think he has shar pei blood in him cos his face was droopy,he looks so pretty.so i walk towards him in a crouch,a non aggressive stance.he walked towards me and started sniffing around.i put some meat near him, but he looks like he was more interested in me than the meat. he kept coming towards me slowly,still sniffing.
now here is the problem:i started to back off,for fear that he might bite me.a million thoughts went thru my head:does he have rabies?what if he bites me and refuse to let go?what if he attacks me?negative stuff like that.so i walked briskly away.he followed me for a short distance,trying to keep up with a limp. after abit,i think he gave up and turned around.
after i was safely away from him,i feel so bad.i feel like such an a-hole!maybe the old dog just wanted companion?maybe he just wanted someone to pet him,like he was used to when he was a puppy?maybe he just wanted to lick the hand to show gratitude for giving him food?why was i so afraid?what was i afraid of?a few years back,i would have pet and hug the dog.and play with him even if i was running late for something else.when i was working at a pet hotel many years back, i was the only one who dared to enter the room of this one crazy dog who bites everyone.i was the only person feeding him,cos no one else will go near him.and he never bit me, he was always watching with stares of nails when i bring him food,but he never ever bit me.so why did i walked away from the old dog?how the dog must have felt when i walked away.
it makes me realised,the older u r, the more u care about yourself and less for anyone else.and of cos, the smaller your balls become too.
u talk figuratively or literally???