was walking by the road in JKT street.on my right,its the infamous JKT traffic jam.with motorbikes whezzing one third of an inch beside me, at break-neck speed.and every single one just seem to get closer than the last. i was fearing for my safety.
i know i'll walk towards my left instead. except on my left,theres this big drain,cant see the bottom tho. its filled up with this thick black water that smells like dead bodies.the waters so black,u can see the sun's reflection on the surface,with sudden movement of some living creature crawling on top and swimming underneath.
Perfect.smoke from the endless pieces of junk metals on wheels on one side,stench from the sewage of a whole city on the other.
so i have to decide if i shud risk getting run over by cars/motorbikes or falling into the abyss.hopefully i wont get knocked by cars and then fall into the drain!
a few minutes later, lo and behold, these food stalls right in front of me,blocking my way...
talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.