back from more than one week of no activities online.been a great week. i was laid off just as i had wanted.of cos it took some loud voices and heated arguments to make the GM really angered. but yes, i have 2 months pay with no work.slacked for a whole week,now its time to think of my next move... maybe i shud carry on working for ppl, or maybe i shud start to do some shit on my my own boss.of cos, being my own boss,means i cannot slack at work anymore.will likely have to work long hours.even on weekends....Hmmmm....what to do,what to do???
time to slack again. will think about it tmr.
Do whatever you think is best for you and your family.
wow... you da man!
Originally posted by mistyblue:
wow... you da man!
who tha man???lol
wah! was going to start thread looking for u AGAIN...
Welcome Back!!
erm... just do what u want to do lor... u only live once....