haven ranted in a long while.maybe i have forgotten how to rant,how to be angry.
i wanna sit all night and chain smoke.and dream of things that could have been. and things that will never be.
i love taking the morning train,watching funny people doing funny things. its better than reality TV. its different everyday, in fact its different every cabin of the same train.watching people sleeping so deep on the train,i wonder how they do that. i can never sleep on public transport.or how people from 2 doors away,rushing to a emptied seat near me. i will always let them think that they have a chance,let them get really close b4 i sit down slowly.

i love to see how people behave in a crowded place,how the simply sound of trains pulling into the station will make people run.all the way from the bus stops to the platform.carl lewis,beware.
how they will push everyone away just to get into the closing door.like if they do not get into the doors b4 they close, their jobs will be at stake.so u see them pushing everyone aside,including the young and the old,women and children.nerds and even the tattooed ah beng!!they are focus.Hulk hogan,beware.
i feel like i m out of love again. which is a good thing.