Originally posted by Ksc 133:hi folks
just need some advice on the body language of women not little gals..
1) almost everyday i will see this gal when going to work. i do not know her initially.
2) she is quite nice and i always look at her directly, she will glance at me sometimes... i am not handsome guy and i am quite old 30+.
3) then suddenly she started to stand very close behind me. when i found out, she will looked embrassed and stand infront of me. then she will start looking into the glass reflection and tidy her hair, take off her shoes. tidy her dress...etc...etc...
4) i notice she wears a ring on middle finger, so i thought she was married and i did not approach her for a long time (a few months). then she changed to index finger. recently she do not wear the ring anymore.
5) Then Recently, she started to stare very hard at me, not the friendly looks. and i was scared at first.
6) ON 1 day, i just talk up to her and say hi... and get to know her name...and where she works. but i nvr get her number yet...
7) But she started to act weird, she will ignore me on somedays and smile to me on other days. she no longer look into the glass reflection anymore.... she started to read books!!! lolz
i do not know what these signs means...
please advice..thanks
inconsistent behavior is not a good sign. but to be sure, you should just ask her for her number and take her out on a date if you want to know if she is truly interested in you.