Just wanna ask for some opinions...
Would u prefer to date someone thru the phone directly??
Or by SMS??
Could I know ur reason??
More sincere to call than sms...sms can be typed by any tom, dick or harry...
Call. SMS is not as nice.
Dont gib them chance to say no.
Wah....all the psychoanalysis and reverse engineering trying to decipher the opposite gender!!!
If you ask me, use the method you are most 'skillful' in!
Sikali we say use phone and you happen to be a stutter how?!!!
Or you fat thumb typed in some wrong embarrassing spello and your fate is sealed! By the time you tried to remedy by calling, you started stuttering....THAT'S IT!
Bo pi bo pi!
Originally posted by Ferret:Dont gib them chance to say no.
Personal experience?
ask personally la..
the best
i wanna know what's angel7030 answer to this.
Originally posted by mistyblue:Personal experience?
ahahahhahahaha its much harder to reject on the phone mahz. if u sms, the person got time to think riaos, may start to recollect what a creep you are and then ..... !!!!
actually, phone is cos even if got rejected still can ask again and also see what excuse was given lah. if very obvious then zi dong a bit mahz.
Hmm.. i agree with nehpyh..
A common method might not suit everyone..
Probably will just go with the most favouritable method..
Even though i used to date my girl thru smses.. :P
Deh....sincerity la....prish...send via pigeon also count....!!! Just make sure the bird shit land on the right target!
All the best, yam seng!
I prefer to date thru sms. Though, you are giving time for the other party to reply but you also have time to react.
Originally posted by Ferret:ahahahhahahaha its much harder to reject on the phone mahz. if u sms, the person got time to think riaos, may start to recollect what a creep you are and then ..... !!!!
actually, phone is cos even if got rejected still can ask again and also see what excuse was given lah. if very obvious then zi dong a bit mahz.
Wah you expert sia.... :-P
true. On phone is harder to reject but she might SMS later to reject leh. Nowadays ger got lot of pattern one... ;-)
Sometimes i think its up to individual preference right??
Now that everything is so advanced & SMS is such a common thing so actually dating thru SMS is also something not very wierd too..
If the other party is comfortable/interested in going out with u then i think it doesnt matter u call or sms to ask for a date..
Am i right??
sms lah. phone calls leave it until u n her are more comfortable wif each other. sms she reject sua lor, move on.
if she's interested in going out wif u do you think she'd would reject if you're smsing, emailing, calling, etc?
ya lor. if it is meant to be rejected, sms or phone will still get the same result.
if it is meant to fail, black or blue ball point pen will still get the same result.
Hmm.. Newcomer..
We have the same sentiments.. :P
eh.. i'm a noob at dating. dun take my words for gospel
there's always a 1st time. My first time i ask a guy out, I was rejected. So I waited and ask aagin, rejected again loh. So after that, never asked again.
Originally posted by mistyblue:there's always a 1st time. My first time i ask a guy out, I was rejected. So I waited and ask aagin, rejected again loh. So after that, never asked again.
how do guys reject girls? same as girls reject guys?
Oh mistyblue..
That's already a very daring move..
U took the initiative to date a guy..
just say i'll let u know. then in the end nv let her know lor.
Originally posted by newcomer:just say i'll let u know. then in the end nv let her know lor.
this is so subtile - leaving a "yes", "no" answer