There was a thread in another forum which sparked certain interest.
Hopefully it does educate some people here.
Somethings to recap :-
Relationship does NOT have to be 'Love - centric.'
Well ideally, it is supposed to be the main ingredient. But somehow, love have been misused as a term and Love as we see as ideals are pretty far from what we see now.
Like we've always discussed. Love is how you personally define. Some are cheaper, some are practical, and some - noble.
Relationship needs attraction to keep it ongoing.
When one party decides to leave a relationship and claims that everything is of your fault. You're struggling the fact that just yesterday, both of you are enjoying the intimacy and the time of your lives. And then - your world crumbles before your eyes.
Most likely, the attraction is gone. There still might be love, but your partner is no longer in love with you.