Yes, it's pretty common for all couples or every relationship to come to a standstill. Or it's a fact that every couple will go through?
When a girl and a guy get together, the first few months will be the sweetest of all i guess. Love/attraction over logic and reasoning.
As time pass, conflicts starts to arises, character clashes etc. I believe this is the stage whereby both parties starts to blend into each other. The mixing starts. Communication/ Compromise and maturity of both parties are important in this stage. At least this is what I believe. And this stage is also a point where couples either "give up" or continue. And I believe this stage takes alot of time to grow before entering the next stage.
There comes the next stage of relationship which is what I call the ice age.
Why do I say that?
Hmm, both parties have gotten so used to each other, part of their life, sort of, so things start of change. For example, meeting up less, talk less, basically it's like a scaled down version of honeymoon period. Much lesser than before. This is also a stage whereby, girls and guys tend to think, " do I still have the feelings for him/her?" that sort of thing. And maybe standstill periods for both parties. So it's up to them to relive the feelings again.
Either we continue to search for new stuff(Guys/Girls) and the cycle repeats or you carry on this beautiful disaster where love will eventually last till death. Or not?
This is what I think. Haha..
Any personal views? Feel free to discuss.