Originally posted by Mecha_bOi:
hmm trueno with a 3.04...cant seem be able to get past the S curves in cp2..so do you gear choke or juz turn the famous second left turn of the curves and one more question...i exit the 5 consecs at 129 zit a gd speed? or juz ok?
dun ask mi ask slash le laa..coz i dunno hu iz he
lolz...its a okie speed.....but best is bend it at around 134km\h....highest speed i seen so far...btw wen entering your last exit corner remember to gear choke....for best results....

hope tis help i don noe about your first question but i think probably enter first consec corner at about 130.....then also gear choke and enter at about 129.... again i must also stress tat i not sure....so don blame mi if i wrong....