Well,after those conflict and etc...i decided to put up a suggestion for the sake of []GLT[].Hereby,present everyone the
Management Council of []GLT[] :
Chairman: 1 pax
Tournament IC (In Charge): 1 pax
Clan Match IC: 2 pax
Recruitment IC: 2pax
Training IC: 1 pax
Public Relationship IC: 1pax
Daily News Affair IC: 2pax
Below is the job description:
Chairman>>>He give the "yes" or "no" in every important decision.No question asked,no answer given and no reason too!It's juz Y/N !
Tournament IC>>>He arrange tournament things for the clan,from top to bottom.Proposal/report have to be approved by the council's chairman.
Clan match IC>>>He arrange clan match for the clan,from top to bottom.Proposal/report have to be approved by the council's chairman.
Recruitment IC>>>He scrout and search for new raw talents if there is any.Trial them and let the council knoe,final decision is handed down by chairman.
Training IC>>>He arrange training programm for the clan.But the programm have to be approved by the council's chairman before taking effect.
Public Relationship IC>>>She's the one with the most CS frenz outside,so []GLT[] will enjoy a gd PR with other ppl.Posting have to be logic and sensible in other ppl forum.
Daily News Affair IC>>>He is like the everyday news reporter.He report everything tat got to do with the clan,eg matches result,training when,who is inactive,who is now the most power...wan to add gossip also can but not too over-board.
In the event of chairman too busy/unavaliable,there will be 2 standby ass. chairmen.Both must agreed to watever suggestion/proposal/report before it take effect.
Well,above is the suggestion of a council which i come up with.So nxt time it won't be so messy liao.I hope everyone vote for it,be it "negative" or "positive".
Well,I have chip in for the clan.

[]GLT[],A Special Breed of Men
A Cut Above The Rest