Anyway,here todae's awards (drumroll....)
Best Actor
[]GLT[]Rampage ~ he is todae main figure in de_prodigy.Giving all those special command.If i never give him tis,he may think his effort not worth it...

Best Actress
[]GLT[]Princess ~why...?coz she's the only chaobo lor..under super stress time bring ur pillow or ask ur tabo massage u when u play no stress lor...
Best Bombster
[]GLT[]Beckham ~tis one u all at there watched the match should know horse run~! (Fire in the hole!)
Best Supporting Fire & Sniper
[]GLT[]Owen ~without him,i dun think our clearing of path would be so easy in prodigy.Nice to have him as my buddy hiz^5 owen :p
Best Main Chionging Group
[]GLT[]NoXer []GLT[]SKY []GLT[]Lawie ~we need them to "tock tock tock" from behind or front...haha they know best only~!
Most Improved Player
[]GLT[]Valkyrie ~heng last time select the correct man to be in []GLT[].U're best in solo rambo act~!~ Chiong ah~!
Most Serious Player
[]GLT[]Wud| []GLT[]Carbine ~both of them played till very seriously...wudi like his eye wan to "pop" out and stick to the screen liao and carbine never left his eyes off the screen even for a sec...this is wat i called PROFESSIONAL...

Young Player Award
[]GLT[]Gzd []GLT[]Duz ~both show alots of enery running here and there...searching for headshots....mai siao siao~!
Rambo Soldier of Sq 2 Award
[]GLT[]Thomas ~a gd rambo and skillful one somemore...he can be the next valkyrie~!
Well...u all can also add anything u all wan lor...juz for fun...i very eng mah~!
Nice mAtch against [N-9] too.They're also very friendly.Gd sportmanship~!
knoozing off:
FeAr nObOdy eXcEpt e |nv|ns|ble []GLT[]=*B3ckh@m*= cOz he's ur WoRsT n|gHtMaRe