hmmm....1st of all i would very much like to use yr 2 favourite words
BO LIAO...let u feel how we felt when u use yr favorite words on us everytime
2nd...y all of a sudden training???serious training competitions coming up???gimme a reason man
3rd...y r u so serious in CS??making []GLT[] hiang is supposingly yr reason...but wat u gain???satisfaction???regonition???ohhh...comon man...face reality...this is real life...satifaction can eat???famous liao got $$$ take???or u wan lots of yoyo xiaomeimei behind c u play??

get real man
i m not saying tt wat u doing now is wrong...i know is gd for the clan gd for []GLT[] but getting too serious in it is not healthy...n by getting too serious u will be tag TPS n tt is tam po siao
management is a must in GLT...but overdoing it is not gd unless we r pro...wat i mean is professional gamer...unless we r big...unless we r famous...i of coz wan to get famous...but famous liao so wat...this famous thingy juz wears off when i grow older...i m 19 now man...famous in cs can tan chiak or not???if we get famous...wat will we get???lots of xiaomeimei follow u or ppl in the streets saw u n say...neh neh neh []GLT[]wUd|...wah so yandao n handsome wor~~~
thnk abt it man...
as for the training mention above...i anything as long as it is presure ugly need serious planning...anyhow run anyhow shoot anyhow frag...tts it...rem we r out to hav fun???wats actually GLT is initially...n i dun wan to change tt...
a better idea is to find ronin a 6 vs 6...7 vs 7...mayb 8 vs many
maps...wat i mean this friendly is really a competitions rules...ff on serious planning anyhow run anyhow shoot anyhow playing lan...but only GLT vs Ronin...objective is to pit our skills against them n make friends
benson wat i say above dun feel tulan...u tulan i oso lanlan...but as bruder for so long liao i dun thnk u would lah...coz u know mi well enuff...i m a lanjiao person wif a fuckup pardon mi loh...if u wan to get tt serious go ahead no wan is stopping u...prove my words wrong...but if u cant prove mi wrong...u will b branded as TPS...n tts tam po siao again...hahaha...
btw count mi out if u wan to get serious coz i m juz a fun seeker
count mi in on sat...fuck away the plannings
Fight not for fame nor glory
Fight for []GLT[]'s pride