"arms" includes firearms, air-guns, air-pistols, automatic guns, automatic pistols, and guns or any other kind of gun from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged" :quote
"air-guns" and "air-pistols" are totally diff from "Airsoft". Air-guns/pistols use diabolo metal pallet which can travel at the speed of sound and is use for hunting. Airsoft is different, it use plastic sphere shape pallet and it's power can't even penatrate human skin. Futhermore, no parts of any Airsofts can be modified to accommodate a real bullet. There are books on air-gums/pistols and Airsofts to find out more different.
This put Airsofts under "kind of gun from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged" If we look at this line, basically it put almost every toy guns you find in Singapore (even those you seen at shopping centers mama shops) illegal. The law did not even state that if the Airsofts are consider as toy or as shedual weapons.
Another thing is the ARMS OFFENCES ACT (CHAPTER 14), which state that "imitation arm" means anything which has the appearance of being an arm. So my question here is that are Airsofts just consider as "imitation arm"? Again, any toy guns can be "imitation arms". There is penalty for exhibiting imitation arm when committing scheduled offence. But is there still a penalty if no offence is committ?
So, where is the line drawn?
its not about where the line is drawn. the point is every seller or importer selling these airsofts has to get a license. whcih means its not illegal i guess.
Its very simple according to A&E
It is illegal as long as it 'looks like a gun.'
Doesn't matter if it's made of styroform, plays music,does not shoot anything and is painted neon yellow.
If the design/size looks real enough and someone could possibly spraypaint/modify it to look like a common weapon, then it's illegal.
However, it IS very possible to legalize it for commercial purposes, airsoft IPSC or even skirmish. But no one is doing it cause the constraints in land scarce Spore.