[b] Currently, Team Funds has an amount of $45/-.
Team EquippingCurrently, we already have the following:
a) 4 soccer balls + 1 pending Russell's attempt to change
b) A pair of keeper's glove
c) A whistle
d) 2 air pumps
e) 3 spare jerseys
Will be getting a first aid kit over this weekend comprising of;
a) Deep Heat Spray
b) Bandages
c) Plasters
d) Antiseptic Cream
Thinking of buying new set of socks for the whole team. More uniform. Views? We can do this after the students return from exams. After Reds FC turns 1 year old in Nov 2003, we could also consider getting a 2nd set of jerseys. Hopefully, our dear students will be working by then.
Future GamesI am very comfortable with the current arrangement for our weekly matches thru' Lobang Referee, "Mr Gopal". We get to meet different opponents of various standards as well as play at different pitches (I am very glad that our teamates are arranging the car pool to pick up those without own transport. Very appreciative).
If anyone of you have opponents (confirmed) who wants to play us on Sun mornings. Let me know 1 week in advance for Gopal to get us the field and referee. As of now till new developments surface, we shall engage the services of Gopal. Any comments on this?
Key Rolesa) After much consideration, I have decided to appoint Russell as the team's Assistant Manager. If situation permits, both Russell and I will rotate to play. One of us will be at the sideline at all times to see to the time keeping/subsitutions/rotation of players. Both of us will joint-manage the team together. If I am not around, Russ will call the shots. This is with immediate implementation.

b)I have also identified certain key players to take charge of different departments in the team.
Either me or Russ will coordinate with these key players on the field if we want to switch play/make changes/cut off certain opponent players.
These key players will in turn instruct/coordinate with the other players in their respective department. For example, Charles giving specific instructions to Ian and Patrick.
Adminstratively, these key players
MAY also need to take charge of the players in the department like contacting the players

IF there are last minute changes. However, in normal situations, myself and Russ will contact all the players to avoid unneccesary miscommunication or confusion.
Defence - Charles or Jeremy
Midfield - Myself or Damien
Strikers - Russ or Khairul
That's all I have. Any comments?