[b]Khai, Thanx for your contributing more than required to buy your set of jerseys. Your surplus of $15/- will be kept in the team fund. I am thinking of purchasing deep heat and some standby bandages for our team (1st aid kit).
I have just opened up an organiser to keep the records of everything (contacts for teams, collection of money, player's records) since we are seriously starting this thing going. Our track record for the team shall start from this Sun's game also....which means to say, we will start afresh this Sun and I will keep a record of all our performance.

Guys, everything is on the roll.......jerseys+3 extra tops have been purchased. WE ARE A COMPLETE TEAM!!!!!!!

Final Umbro "Combo" - Red Top + Navy Blue Shorts + Navy Blue Socks + Umbro Ball. Will be collecting all the stuff this Fri after my work. Will distribute this Sun. Khai, I will keep your new set with me if you are not coming.
Our very own committed players:
1. Robin-keeper, No 14
2. Damien, No 18
3. Lawrence, No 17
4. Russell,No 25
5. Alvin Chua, No 13
6. Myself, No 7
7. Charles,No 6
8. Jeremy, No 15
9. Ian, No 3
10. Ah Boon, No 8
11. Alvin Chia, No 19
12. Patrick, No 2
13. Khairul, No 11
14. Jimmy,No 10
15. Alfred, No 4
16. Colin Keeper
17. Charle's Friend - midfielder or striker (Coming down this Sun & like to commit to our team for long term) - will buy jersey for him upon further confirmation.
Extra Tops: No 5 (L), No 9 (L) & No 12 (XL),
Khai, really looking forward to having you back after your fasting.